Thursday, December 9, 2010

prompt #18


People personality based on their good and bad habits. Your good and bad habits can influence anyone personal and social life. Good help to make your life better and bad habits make them worse .good habits makes your personality look good but bad habits makes your life worse than it is right now everyone have different habits some people have good habits and some people have bad habits. A habit can be many things, some good, some not so good. Everyone has habits that they would like to change and maybe improve upon. I believe the majority of habits I have are good ones but some are not.
Bad habits really makes your like worse like a bad habits it stay up late at night it will affect your health your life and your studies. Playing games might be a very serious problem among the teenagers and young adults. As games are addictive, they will keep people from leaving it, and so they just waste your time and it takes you out of your studies. Smoking is a bad habit that is not only harmful to yourself, but also to the people around you. Students go to school to get an education for a better life. However, many of the habits needed to truly be successful are learned outside the classroom. Developing good habits that will help students of all ages succeed can never start too early. These routines will help students in school and for the rest of their lives. There are lots of good habits like eating healthy food.
Many people are in some kind of a bad habit that they wish they never had. Bad habits are formed more easily than good habits, and are usually the hardest to get rid of. Smoking, drinking, gambling, overeating, and eating fast food are all examples of bad habits. Many people, who know of their bad habits, want to change, but no matter how hard they try, they usually find themselves not being able to Habit is formed by a step-by-step process which involves thought, action, and repetition. Thought is the backbone of creating bad habits. It is very hard for people to accept their mistakes, but the hardest part is to correct them since no one is perfect and it might take some time as most of the people who have bad habits they think its not bad at all but some habits are really bad for example doing your hw at the last minute not studing,stay up late,don’t sleep a lot I think these are some bad haits people have lots of bad habits I think since no one is perfect I also have some bad habits I don’t like to sleep early at night so I sleep at late in the night and some other bad habits I have are like I don’t listen to no one when I am mad but I also have some good habits with me I think its natural people have good and bad habits in them so I think we all should work hard to get over our habits and try to leave our bad habits and just live with with our good habits.

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