Thursday, December 9, 2010


“Volunteer” is when a person helps the community for free. When people hear the word volunteer they ask, “Am I going to get paid?” Volunteering is something you do not for the money, but for others that you helped someone else. Any time someone helps another without being asked they are volunteering. Many people volunteer but inside they really wish they were out fishing or shopping. Many people have never volunteered. Our community depends on volunteers.voluntering is the probably the most beneficial way for us to help our community.
Volunteering not only helps and benefits one’s community but, in a way, it benefits the volunteers themselves. I think volunteering makes the people feel good, and they feel good because they have been helped someone or made the community better. You can volunteer in different places ex: your child’s or brothers school you can volunteer to help with art projects, reading to their class, or helping out at class parties or events. You can volunteer with the school meetings. Volunteer at the community center. You can also volunteer to help your church; you can volunteer to a store you can volunteer to help out in the summer events.
All these are great ways for you get involved in your community but they are not the only way. You can also help other people the one who can’t walk or the one who can’t see. There are lots of volunteer opportunities in other areas too, like your local library might need someone to restock the shelves, or to fix computer or help with the children program. Also there may be a program where you can help someone learn to be rather it be a child or an adult. I think the childcare center would also benefit from a volunteer. There are lots of many different ways for people to volunteer in the society because if u help the community someday someone going to help you when you need help I think helping other people is a good thing I think we all should volunteer our community in order for our community to look good and clean and some people volunteer the community to graduate because in order to graduate you need 300 community service hours so I think some people do volunteer job for their school or some just do it to make other happy. Overall I think we all should volunteer the community because the community needs our help.

My volunteering experience is when I helped my mosque (crunch) in the month of ramdan.Randam is the month where Muslim fast and then after sunset we eat so before sunset I go to mosque every day to feed or help the people over there. I go to the mosque before sunset so I can set the thing together and when the people come I can put the things in front of everyone feed them I did that all month and after the month the owner of the mosque gave me 70 community service hours because of helping other peoples. had so much fun helping other people I will never going to forget that experience overall I think volunteering helping other people is actually a really good thing you feel really good after you help other people.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your opinion about volunteering, and that you also have experiences in helping your fellow community which is a great thing.
